It's a powerful tool to use in understanding the celestial bodies in relation to who we are and why we are here starting with the exact MOMENT that something was created. It holds vast amounts of wisdom that unlock insight into that which is the ready to be seen and revealed.
Balance your life
Help you develop self love
Emphasize a heart awakening to living your best life
Give a new perspective on things or your life or situation
Provide a means where you are brought to awareness of your deepest feelings and unconscious yearnings
Give healing advice and guidance
Give practical applications to apply in your daily life to balance yourself
Bring transformation if that is what is so needed in your life
Moments of clarity
Give you a renowned faith in all you are as a being as well as faith in others and their nature
Help steer you in the most positive directions
Show you imbalances in you and give you directives and affirmations
Prepare you for future cycles coming
Help you to believe in magic and the invisible realm of spirit is real